Monday, March 18, 2013

Road-kill! not only did we run over a million flies, but also two birds and two hedgehogs.. all happen on the south island. I don't think the animals on the south island appreciate life very much..

On our way down to Milford Sounds we had a lot of stops, not just because we were sick and tired of driving, but because of the beauty full landscape.

The way up to the crater took a couple of hours, and was tiering as f... On our was down, on the other hand was good fun!
We decided to slide the whole way down on a big patch of ice, going from the top to about half way down the volcano (you can see tracks of our shoes behind me).
View from the top, into the crater.
If you look a little to the right of the center of the picture you can see a house, barely standing on top of the crater. Imagine staying there for the night!
View from the top, out from the crater

Still half way up the Crater.

On our way down south, we stopped at Mount Ruapehu (a big volcano on the north Island).
Absolutely stunning views from the crater, beauty full landscape and a nice and challenging walk to the crater. (images from half way up the crater).

From Cape Reinga to Bluff.. In a week :p
After me and Sofus went diving on the Great Barrier reef, we went to New Zealand.
Only problem was that Sofus only had 6 weeks of traveling, in total.. That left us with 12 days in NZ. Let me start of by saying, that I do NOT recommend going to NZ for less than 2 months! :p
We drove from Auckland to Cape Reinga (North point) and strait down to Bluff (south point).
Giving our time limitation, we slept in the car almost every night.. At one point we drove 29 hours straight, from Auckland to Milford Sounds.
Bluff, B.T.W. is the farthest I've ever been from home :)