Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Still in Monkey Mia.
I am sitting in my car with all the doors open, making myself a sandwich.
Im sitting on the driverside (right side) and on the corner of my eye I see something moveing.
As i turn to the left, I see this Emu half way in my car about 10 cm from my face!!

Now i can assure you of one thing.. I did NOT jump out of the car screaming like a little girl with tuna sandwich flying true the air!!
But there were people having a blast all around the car! ;)

Monday, February 03, 2014

My first encounter with a Pelican!

You can get really close up to these birds!
At least here in Monkey Mia you can!
You can feed them and get your finger biten off!!
Honestly.. dont go to close, the reason you can is because they dont fear you, and they can harm you!
(late comment from a tour guide there)
On our way up north we didint stop as much as I wanted to.
The never ending issue with money forced us to move faster then I wanted.
But! If you want something, you get it! All you have to do is to WANT it!
It all works out in the end.. - More on that in a bit :)

Here are The Pinnacles.
Not to far north of Perth.
The Pinnacles are in the Nambung National Park.
The Pinnacles came from seashells. The seashells were broken down to lime sand and blown with the wind and mixed togetter with rain etc etc
BUT! Can you see Grumpy in this picture?? ;)
To save money on fuel and so I wouldint get bored to death I found a girl who also wanted to go north.

Here is a photo of me and Laura.
Me and Laura drove togetter from Perth to Broome.
We wanted to find a job on the way, so we stopped every now and then to hand in our resume.
Although we did not have much luck, at least not as much as we hoped for.

All good things come to an end, and so did Perth for us..
But where there is an end, there is a beginning!!
After working in Perth i had saved money up for a car

Here is Grumpy (my mascot) on my Magna V6, 1996.
A fun little car!! :)
Sonni went to Melbourne and I drove up north.
I was staying at a backpackers in Perth, not just any backpacker.. The Sundancers Backpackers!!
We had such a blast there!
I was staying there on my birthday.
After a long day of work, tired and ready for bed, i walked in to find my friends there with cupkakes, candles, presents and beer!!

Thanks for that lovely birthday
Sonni, Katzen, Mirjam and Zeb!
And all the other people who where around that night!

About to go in the water, where the waves are massive!!


Other than working, most of the time went by, down at the beach.

This was a fine afternoon! The two guys next to me are Anders and Søren, us 3 worked togetter as lumberjacks.
The two of them are danish, and me being from these fantasy islands that nobody ever heard of (quote from my boss at the time) was also counted as a dane.

Sonni on the barbecue!
In Australia there are free barbecues on (almost) every beach!!
Blacwall Reach
Located in Perth is Blackwall reach, a really nice place to chill with your mates and to do some cliff jumping!!

This jump is (what we were told) 10 meters
After Sofus left Australia my money situation was not so good..
You see, Sofus had a great time in the 6 weeks he was travelling and so did I!!
To much of a good time to be honest, so i had to find a job..
My first job in Australia was as a lumberjack, unfurtunatly i do not have any photos of me working as a lumberjack.. All of these photos are gone with the phone i had at that time :(

But here is a photo of Sonni (front), Anders (back) and me.
Anders is the guy who got me my job as a lumberjack.
For a month and a half I lived and worked in Perth.
We had a great time in Perth!
As a lumberjack my job was simple.. Simple but hard!
We usually worked for 10 hours a day, sometimes longer, sometimes less..
Cutting, lifting, pushing, hammering, cursing, sweating, laughing, etc etc.
These were most of the things we did at this job.
These are the sand dunes between Lancelin and Perth.
They are far away from the water.
Just as you are driving on the Indian Ocean Drive all of a sudden you are surrounded by these magnificent dunes.

Wake-boarding down the dunes.

Handstand down the dunes.


no words..
On our way back to Perth, we stopped at a beach.

Sonni thought he could sleep his hangovers away.. guess we proved him wrong!

Before Sofus had to leave, we drove up north to ´Two Rocks´, for a weekend of camping!

 Sofus, Sonni and I catching a ride from the beach to our (two wheel drive) car.

And here is the gang! Rob thinking "how did i ever end up here with these crazy faroese people!?" ;)

Last days in Australia, what do you want to do..?? See more Kangaroos!!

 Me, being from Scandinavia am very fascinated by these creatures.
Alen, being from this part of the world is fascinated by.. A duck!

Albino Kangaroo
And Albino Sofus! ;)
When we came back to Australia, after 7 1/2 hours flight and 1 liter of duty free whiskey, Sonni came and picked us up.
The next days went by quickly. It was Sofus´s last days in Australia, so we tried to get the best out of them
On our way back, we had to stop, turn around and take a picture of this sign!
Now, it turns out that there is a bird called Shag.. So this is NOT the turn off for an orgie!
Before we left our new Kiwi friends, we had to wash our car.. this is how our rented car looked like after two weeks.. If you think thats bad, you should have smelled it! The unmistakable smell of sweat, dude and feet was noticeable meters from the car..
We did sleep, eat and had some of our showers in that car..

Thanks for you hospitality Dave and Karen!
Your friendliness is inspiring.
Another day Dave took us out deer hunting.
We got up earlier than any man was meant to and packed our gear.
The whole morning we were trekking and looking for deer, with no luck of finding any deer we still had an adventures day and we got to shoot the gun aswell (witch was all we really wanted all along).

After our diving in The Malborough Sounds, our next stop would be Tauranga (North Island), where our good mates Alen and Rob are from. Alen had spoken to his parents and told them we were in NZ, They invited us to stay with them for a couple of nights.
After sleeping in the car for nearly two weeks a bed sounded pretty good!!
Karen and Dave (Alens parents) took us in to their home with a warm welcome.
We had lovely food and clean beds, more than we could have dreamed of at that time!
Dave took us out fly fishing one of the days, this was thhe first time we ever tried this type of fishing.

 Later that night we smoked the fish, with Jack Daniels flavoured mulch.
That was some good eating!!

Monday, January 06, 2014

On our way up the south island, me and Sofus took our wreck course, in the Marlborough Sounds.
Like Milford Sounds, The Marlborough Sounds is a very beautiful place (although i would recommend The Milford Sounds, to the non-diver).
We stayed in a cozy cabin for three days, where we did nothing but diving and having lectures about diving.
In the evening after our dives, we got served food of a higher level!
Freshly picked mussels (witch we picked our selfs) marinated in chilli and whiskey, along with other fantastic dishes made by the crew. served with a fresh glas of goon ;)
In the picture below you can see the diving group (Sofus taking the picture), and what a group it was!
Getting in to The Milford Sound, you have to drive through a single lane tunnel.
On our way out of The Sounds, we had to wait for quiet a while to get through.
But with the beautiful scenery and the good company of Sofus, it didint matter much..

"The Milford Sounds"
Me and Sofus came down to The Milford Sounds and went on a few hours boat trip.
Milford Sounds is an absolute spectacular scenery.
Unfortunately we did not have much time here, we were on the road and only had time for the one boat trip.
I would very much like to come back here one day and i highly recommend anyone to check it out!!
Dolfins and Penguins can be spotted on the right time of the day.